Ars Electronica + Matsudo International Science Art Festival
Featured Artists: Forest Stearns, Yoko Shimizu, Elena Soterakis, Richelle Gribble, MoonArk (team).
Matsudo City is developing a variety of initiatives with the aim of creating a city brand based on culture and creating a town where creators and artists can play active roles. As part of this, the international festival of science and art, “Science and the Arts Hill 2019,” will be held on November 16 (Sat) and 17 (Sun), 2019 under the theme of “Citizens of the Future”. “It will be held. You can enjoy special exhibitions, talks, and workshops at Tojogaoka.

Introducing the research institutes, artists and speakers presenting special exhibitions, workshops and performances in the Hill of Science and the Arts 2019.
BEYOND EARTH is a cross-border learning platform and exhibition series that connects space art projects around the world. Planning and running a project that connects the arts, science, universe, and life and creates the future of humanity. We are also exploring the possibilities of artistic expression and exhibition in space beyond the earth. An international collaboration project that promotes collaboration between individuals, companies and organizations with an innovative vision.